Archive for February 2016
How to disable button in sugarcrm dynamically
Let me explain how to disable button action dynamically thorough controller(ex.record.js) and when our condition meets.
I am creating one button as "Check Button" for Accounts module.
So i am copying record.php from /modules/Accounts/clients/base/views/record/record.php to
Above is the our custom button array to add to Accounts module.I Assume you know how to add button array in record.php
To Add label for custom button , I am creating new file in below path and adding content to that.
Now button is ready.
Now we need to button action in controller file.I know you got what i mean,yes we need to add action for check_button in record.js.
Below is our scenario,
If Account type is customer ,then we should not allow user to edit that record.So we are going to disable "edit" and "check" button when condition meets.
Thats it. Make a repair and rebuild.